Thursday, October 05, 2006

"A Watched Pot Never Boils." Who Cares?

Whether is was a male writer or not who put to pen that; "A watched pot never boils" got the inspiration from a woman.

Not just any woman, but the mate of a true caveman.

As the caveman was doing what he is genetically inclined to do, he was simply getting in the way of the woman's attempts at preparing a meal because he was doing his 'gathering' job for which he must do.

The caveman was tending to the needs of gathering what was necessary for the meal and that included making sure there would be boiled water.

It was simply his nature to watch the pot.

Another misconception about cavemen is that they simply cannot sit in silence and think of nothing.

It may be nothing to others, but whatever the caveman may or may not be thinking of, it should always be left with him to know and others to just wonder about.

Can cavemen think about absolutely nothing? Perhaps. But they are probably thinking about the next hunt or what to gather for the cave.

They may just be wondering about why they are and what might come next.

They could be trying to relax after a hunt or the strains of gathering food for the cave and do not feel it necessary to discuss what they are thinking about.

Cavemen do not need to be as communicative as cave women do. Since there are only two basic needs a caveman must meet, there really is not that much need to communicate.

Because cave women have to do everything else the caveman is not, by nature, doing, they need to communicate with other cave women to find the best way of doing all they must do.

But cavemen do communicate with other cavemen. They need to share where to hunt and how to gather and when they do that communication, cave women should not be anywhere near the cavemen.

Probably a couple of thousand years after cavemen became complete cavemen, they started discussing things other than the hunt or the gathering during their discussion times.

This is probably the time better tools were invented and more modern ways of dealing with cave life came into being.

It may also have been during these times that politics and religion began to be discussed.

It also seems reasonable that during this time, cave women also began to discuss how the cave community is organized.

But all throughout the ages from the time cavemen first hunted, gathered, and assisted in the creation of cave babies, there has always been a time when real cavemen need to revive themselves by having a quite time in their cave.

It may still confound their mates, but it is essential for the success of the cave and the relationship to allow the caveman the 'space' he has needed since the dawn of the caveman.

Sometimes to a caveman, nothing is more important than thinking about nothing in particular.

In another area, I am continuing to ponder whether "Type A" males can be considered true cavemen.

They have qualities that are profoundly caveman-like, but how they go about their lives is simply not really appropriate to be considered a true caveman.

It has always been easily understood that there would be competition between cavemen when hunting or gathering, but "Type A" behaviour is far too much to allow for the success civilization has had.

I can imaging had a healthy percentage of cavemen acted like "Type A" people do, our civilization would either be quite different than it is now or simply non-existent.

"Type A" people seem to hunt and gather more for themselves than really for the benefit of their cave.

Many "Type A" folks don't really nourish their kids or they try to make them just like themselves, which is probably not the best thing for our society.

True cavemen are providers; first and foremost. They know from their most innermost regions that it is their job to hunt and gather for the family and cave and they are driven to assist in the creation of more cave babies.

Many "Type A" types are less concerned about those who share their cave if they even have others to share their cave.

But the drive these folks have to hunt and gather the things they feel are important to them, seems much stronger than true cavemen.

"The man who dies with the most toys, wins" doesn't seem to be the man I would consider to be a true caveman.

I haven't seem many of these fellows sitting quietly and thinking about 'nothing'.

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