Thursday, October 05, 2006

Cavemen and Religion

Now here is where I may get into trouble. If you dream about it, you just might see it.

As cavemen progressed, time passed, and skills were honed, communication began.

Picture a group of cavemen walking toward a place they think there will be great prey to hunt. What do you imagine they talked about? They probably talked about life in the community, who was the best hunter, and what should they do when they returned home. (insert create more cavebabies here.)

At some point in the early history, different communities of cavemen began wondering about life and why they thought and communicated differently that other creatures. In there talking they probably learned the each of them had two common questions that all senescent humans have or are told: "Why am I here?" "Is this all there is?"

Religion was invented to answer the two basic questions that humans had when they began to think for themselves, all the way through to every thinking person on the planet, today.

I can imagine that small groups of cavemen began to ponder these questions and try to understand why they all had the same questions. Perhaps a particular caveman came up with answers the other cavemen liked and presto, the first minister is found. I bet that since the other cavemen gave high regard to the caveman that answered the questions that most pleased the others, that caveman was considered more of a leader. When this new leader was acknowledged, then he was given high status in the community and others began to seek his counsel.

"STOP! STOP! STOP, M what about religion and cavewomen?

Remember when I wrote that the difference between cavemen and cavewomen was between "THEN" and "AND"? Cavewomen had to do everything else in the community that Cavemen couldn't or wouldn't do. I don't think cavewomen had the time to consider the two questions, even though, they were probably on the minds of the cavewomen, too
Here is a list of some of the duties of cavewomen that were definitely or probably not shared by cavemen who were out hunting or gathering most of the time:
Bare and raise cavebabies
Provide shelter, clothing, water, and firewood for the community.
prepare and serve the food the cavemen brought to the community.
Learn and share skills with other cavewomen all at the same time they were caring for cavebabies.
Teach the cavedaughters the skills they would need in the community.
Everything else the cavemen didn't do.
Cavewomen did all of this all at the same time.

So you see, cavemen are "sequential tasking": they do something, THEN they do something else, THEN they do something else. Most women are "Multi-tasking": the do something, AND they do something else, AND they do something else. (If you are new to this, look at a post lower on the blog or in archives, please.)

Cavewomen couldn't take the time to ponder religion during their extremely busy day. Cavemen sometimes stayed at the same hunt site for days and had the time to ponder albeit very quietly.


Matthew, a 13 yo. boy said...

Interesting! I do agree with most of the stuff in this article, but i'd like to share my thaughts with you. I think that eventually there came to be many homo genus's in Africa, Europe, and Asia(such as H. erectus, Cro-magman, H.sapien idaltu, and Neandrathal just to list a few). Many 10,000's of years later H. sapiens(us) came along with our more evolved brains and we left our cousins frozen in the ice age as it ended, and we continued to spread out across the planet.(you might find this next part a little disturbing) Aliens visited Earth for various reasons and We where completly stunned by their presence. With their technology and intelect, we started worshiping them as Gods and Godesess. There is so much evidence to prove these theories( im neither gullible, nor crazy) by the way, they're called "The Ancient Alien Astronaut theory". Well, that's all I've to say.

M Richards said...

Thank you, for your comment. I don't share your opinion that intelligent lifeforms 'visited' our planet any time in our past because we didn't learn of that in our future.

I guess you can figure out that I also don't believe in time travel.

If visitors had visited this planet, I would think there would be more evidence that what is supposedly around, all done during human pre-written history.

It is also my opinion that those who believe in visitors can be considered to be members of a loose 'religion' which I have nothing against.

If you have faith that our planet was visited by intelligent lifeforms, there is nobody on this or any other planet that you should have to defend your faith to. I may not believe in your religion, but I will not debate or accost the faith you have. It's yours, yours alone and your faith is based on beliefs nobody else needs to share.

You have shown that religion is fundamental for so many humans at their core and that has been real since the first humans congregated into communities.

You've answered the two basic questions all sentient human beings have either asked or had the answers provided to them. You took that challenge based on the faith you have and you have demonstrated personal wisdom that everyone should strive for.

Congratulations and keep on thinking, reading, learning and sharing.

Mark Wells
aka M Richards