Thursday, October 05, 2006

On The Telephone

Cavemen can work on the telephone, but most of us hate being on the telephone.
Sure, when we were younger we may have spent many hours talking on the phone to females in our unending attempts to assist in the creation of cavebabies.

I have worked in the communications industry for almost 26 years. In the U.S.A.F., I spent my enlistment dealing with communication devises. I just hate using them.

I think I hate the phone bell more than I hate the alarm to get up. The alarm lets me know that it is time to begin my hunt or my gathering. Didn't you cavemen just love the sound of the alarm when it was time to get out of bed to go fishing, hunting, or camping. The added benefit to that alarm also meant, in the old days, your best excuse to get away from the phone.

I'd rather climb a pole or go down into a manhole than talk to someone on the phone about climbing up a pole or down into a manhole.

After I secured the affections of my wife, the telephone became an anchor to the progress of attempting to assist in the creation of cavebabies. We have all had experiences where we were involved in the assistance processes and then "ring, ring, ring". The telephone would usually sound the end of our efforts, many times, for the entire evening.

Of course, there is something worse than the telephone....the doorbell!

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