Thursday, October 05, 2006

The Difference Between Men and Women

So much has been written, studied, argued about, fought over, and every other action concerning this subject, that I thought I would finally reveal the true difference.

Once you internalize the explanation, you will understand. Learning this key difference will aide you in reading and understanding future posts.

I am going to explain the difference between the vast majority of men and the vast majority of women, and I am going to do it with just three sentences. Once you see it, learn it, and realize it, all will be more well in your life, relationships, and future accomplishments.

Are you ready? Please read very carefully the next three sentences.

1. A "something" is any action, emotion, or thought.

2. Most men are "sequential tasking": they do something, THEN they do something else, THEN they do something else.

3 The vast majority of women are "multi-tasking": they do something, AND they do something else, AND they do something else.

See, now wasn't that brilliant! But you always knew it. You just didn't know how to put it into words.

These three differences explain so very much, so very easily. Now that you have read them, you can start seeing those differences in the men and women in your life.

The differences between "THEN" and "AND" are enormous. They were, and still are, life and death differences.

It is now time for you to reflect on this post. You may read the next post which will illuminate you about "sequential tasking" if you like. But I feel that I have given you something you can ponder on before going forward.

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